When Do You Need a Level 2 ASP Training Refresher Course?
- Posted by craigshepherd
- Categories Training and Assessment
- Date April 27, 2023
As an ASP (Accredited Service Provider) working in the NSW energy industry, you must ensure all required workers hold up-to-date Level 2 ASP certificates. If you’re unsure about your requirements in this area, or if you’re a worker looking for employment in the energy and electrical industries, read on to find out more.
What is a Level 2 ASP Training Refresher course?
Level 2 ASP refreshers are short courses that will help you to refresh your skills and knowledge. It is a course required for all Level 2 ASP Certificate holders, and it must be completed every year. For those who already have the appropriate training in this area, it shouldn’t be a difficult course, however, it is mandatory for all individuals performing contestable works in the NSW energy industry.
Typically, the course will be a mixture of online content and instructor-led training. Part of the course also needs to be completed in person.
Who needs an ASP Level 2 certificate?
The answer here is certainly pretty simple. Anyone who wants to work as an Accredited Service Provider (ASP) in the NSW energy industry must maintain a current and valid Level 2 ASP Certificate. It’s required by law, so it isn’t something you can do without. No matter how experienced you are in the industry, certification is mandatory.
Much of the course is about safety, and that’s why the course is so important. Importantly, completing certain safety training programs is a requirement not just by law, but also by many employment agreements.
What do you learn in an ASP Level 2 refresher course?
An ASP refresher course is a one-day course that covers the following topics:
- The legislative framework governing safe work practices
- How to identify and also mitigate risks and hazards in an ESI environment
- The work permit process from start to finish
- Understanding the role of First Aid
- Recognise and respond to life-threatening emergencies
- How to control and manage an emergency scene
- Perform CPR
- Apply appropriate first aid where necessary
The course involves various stages, including self-paced online theory, tests and also direct observation and a practical assessment.
Always book your refresher course before your certificate expires
Companies are extremely strict regarding the completion of Level 2 ASP training refresher courses. It’s a mandatory process, and your Level 2 ASP Certificate must be kept up to date. The certificate expires after 1 year from the date of issue. So, always keep on top of your certificate’s expiry date and book your refresher course well in advance. If your certificate is not current, even by a day, you should not be working on any job sites. You’ll need to allow time to book and complete the course before your current certification expires.
Looking for Level 2 ASP training refresher courses near you?
IAC Safety Services makes it easy for your to check your certificate’s currency and book your Level 2 ASP refresher course. Simply book online, keep your ASP Level 2 certificate up to date, and you’ll never have to worry. Contact us today if you’d like to find out more about our ASP Level 2 Training Refresher Course.
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